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Значения термина high nature на английском
Значения для термина "high nature" отсутствуют.
Использование термина high nature на английском
The splendour of her highnature burst on me with a shock.
A highnature always tries to deserve the trust it receives.
There is one shade among us, whose highnature it is good to meditate upon.
No really highnature covets such a position as that of a luxurious and useless millionaire.
A quiet talk about the highnature, the duties and responsibilities of fatherhood cannot present any great difficulties.
Law in its origins is Divine; whether our human derivations from it partake of its highnature is debatable.
Viola is a child as yet; you do not perceive the highnature the trials of life will develop.
Whatever her failings had been-onemight well say her crimes-Isabelhad always treated her from the level of her own highnature.
Suppose a man had an accident and cracked his skull; his whole character would change, and a highnature might become a low one.
Her tone rang so true and loyal that my heart throbbed with quick appreciation of her highnature, and I wrung her outstretched hand.
Farming systems with associated high biodiversity are known as highnature value (HNV) farmland and are vital in maintaining Ireland and Europe's biodiversity.
If your thoughts are of a highnature, you become connected with people of the same mental caliber and you are able to help yourself.
She is described by one who has known her for several years as "having a highnature, and instincts unerringly toward high things."
Some book says that highnatures have the most trouble with their faults.'
And yet it is a privilege of the highestnatures thus creatively to err.
He who never swerves (from his highestnature or Brahma) is Achyuta.