Value stocks started to underperform growth stocks dramatically in August and their relative performance hitmulti-year lows on Monday.
Oil majors Chevron Corp and Exxon Mobil Corp, fell more than 7%, each to hitmulti-year lows.
And prices of thermal coal and liquefied natural gas (LNG), mostly used in power generation, have hitmulti-year lows.
Criticism of such deals could intensify if Japanese stocks, which hitmulti-year highs last month, continue their correction amid the global equities sell-off.
For example, global M&A on a quarterly basis hitmulti-year peaks in 2000 and in 2007, preceding sustained stock market declines.
Malaysia, and oil importing nation Indonesia, saw their currencies lose nearly 1% against the dollar, while their respective stock markets also hitmulti-year lows.
Merger and acquisition activity on a quarterly basis hitmulti-year peaks in 2000 and in 2007, just before significant stock market declines.
Average bids on the top 100 most liquid leveraged loans recently hitmulti-year highs of 100.57 according to Thomson Reuters SMi100 index.
Meanwhile, gold shed 1.7% to $1,471.09 after the dollar hitmulti-year highs, making the dollar-denominated metal more expensive for holders of other currencies.
Bets on equities have paid off for many investors in recent weeks with some stock markets hittingmulti-year or even record highs.
The currency is being monitored as it hitsmulti-year lows, trading at 27.300 per euro, down 3.9%, at 1738 GMT.