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Значения термина howling dogs на английском
Значения для термина "howling dogs" отсутствуют.
Использование термина howling dogs на английском
The howlingdogs of the Press were despatched to their kennels.
His gaze was fixed on the howlingdogs.
They roared dully as the howlingdogs assaulted them, and rushed lumberingly from the cave into the moonlight.
The usual crowd of squaws, braves in buffalo robes, naked children, and howlingdogs assembled to see us start.
The lasso streaked up, ran over the limb, while the cougar dropped pell-mell into the bunch of waiting, howlingdogs.
Flinging wide his lattice and looking out, the noise of howlingdogs came to him from every quarter of the town.
Then he clasped hands with Justine and they walked out of the cage, leaving the dead man alone with the howlingdogs.
Consequently, he continually ran late, and his small waiting room was always packed to overflowing with howlingdogs, frantic cats, and chattering humans.
They pranced around the mast and showered me with oaths, for all the world like a lot of howlingdogs which had treed a cat.
To Carlyle, who hated noises, who all his life long waged war against howlingdogs and "demon" fowls, the silence and loneliness were delightful.
Two years ago I was straight as an arrow, playing for HowlingDogs.
I've been with the Funky Butts, the Pitts, Beggar Boys, and HowlingDogs.