Don't you see Melisticé, the wife of Smicythion, hurryinghither in her great shoes?
There was hurryinghither and thither of officials.
Every one wanted to watch the Spaniards, hurryinghither and thither like sheep pursued by a wolf.
The people of the street hurryinghither and thither made a blend of black figures changing yet frieze-like.
London will send her militia in full strength, and we hear that the thanes of the West are hurryinghither.
In the same direction a multitude of candle-nut torches gleamed through the foliage, and revealed dusky forms hurryinghither and thither.
Helmeted men stormed and swore; horses tramped and reared; crying women, hurryinghither and thither, stumbled over squirming hose on street and sidewalk.
If we visit a large city, we see throngs of people hurryinghither and thither, jostling one another, apparently in the greatest confusion.
Dark forms were hurryinghither and thither; but the moment the Rangers appeared with their battle cry, there was an instant rout and flight.
Gendarmes were hurryinghither and thither, often arresting the runaways, and at other times picking up weapons and cartridge-cases which had been flung away.
So, hurryinghither and thither with the utmost zeal, they made diligent search until they found their host, and told him how matters stood.