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Значения термина implicate in cell на английском
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Использование термина implicate in cell на английском
Epigenetic changes on DNA and chromatin are implicatedincell differentiation and organogenesis.
TGFbeta1 has been implicatedincell cycle control and carcinogenesis.
Effects on genes implicatedincell cycle and apoptosis were determined by Western blot analyses.
Once viewed as toxic metabolic waste, ROS are now implicatedincell signaling and regulation.
Increasing evidences have shown that FADD is also implicatedincell cycle progression, proliferation and tumorigenesis.
Integrins, a family of heterodimeric adhesion receptors are implicatedincell migration, development and cancer progression.
Permeabilization of the mitochondrial membrane, with release of intermembrane proteins, has been strongly implicatedincell death.
CD44 proteins have been implicatedincell adhesion and in the presentation of growth factors to high affinity receptors.
These studies show for the first time that EBNA-4 modulates the expression of several cellular genes implicatedincell-growth transformation.
Cell cycle regulators are increasingly implicatedincell fate decisions, such as the acquisition or loss of pluripotency and self-renewal potential.
AMMECR1 is coexpressed with genes implicatedincell cycle regulation, five of which were previously associated with growth and bone alterations.
These cells displayed increased formation of membrane blebs, dynamic cell protrusions implicatedincell movement that were also observed in DCs.
Reactive oxygen species are implicatedincell and tissue damage in a number of diseases including acute and chronic inflammation of the gut.
They have been implicatedincell migration, survival, normal and aberrant cellular growth, differentiation, gene expression, and modulation of intracellular signal transduction pathways.
A number of genes implicatedincell cycle progression, lipid synthesis and accumulation and calcium homeostasis are among the mRNA targets of these miRNAs.
Nonstructural protein σ1s is implicatedincell cycle arrest and apoptosis in reovirus-infected cells but is completely dispensable for reovirus replication in cultured cells.