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Значения термина impose excessive на английском
Значения для термина "impose excessive" отсутствуют.
Использование термина impose excessive на английском
Football understands the strictures of modern life and doesn't imposeexcessive time commitments on its fans.
No magistrate or court of law shall demand excessive bail or sureties, imposeexcessive fines...
But Republicans say the Fed unit would be too powerful and imposeexcessive compliance costs and red tape on small businesses including orthodontists and florists.
The decision could make it easier for 401(k) plan participants to sue their employers for putting investments that imposeexcessive fees into their plans.
It showed how the Supreme Court decision could make it easier for 401(k) plan participants to sue employers for choosing investments that imposeexcessive fees.
A price cap would prevent carbon prices imposingexcessive costs, in the Mexican case.
Some contest Christianity as false, others reject it as too exacting and imposingexcessive restraint.
By imposingexcessive fines and cruel punishments.
Anti-EU campaigners see the EU as a wasteful bureaucracy that imposesexcessive regulation and threatens Britain's economy and sovereignty.
Eurosceptics see the EU as an interfering and expensive bureaucracy imposingexcessive regulation and posing a threat to British sovereignty.
Imposingexcessive constraints on the sector could reduce the amount of insurance available, holding back global growth, the Geneva Association said in its study.
New Zealand was taking a balanced approach to climate change by playing its part while avoiding imposingexcessive costs on households and businesses, he said.
The representatives of the grain producing, and those of the planting states, might combine in imposingexcessive taxes upon the productions of the manufacturing states.