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I would say he was being grumpy, but Spinelli's mood seemed inalterable.
He cannot be certain of the extent to which the pact is inalterable.
No horde of historical revisionists can erase that inalterable fact.
It was a pity, but it was inalterable.
Even if he were not banished from Venice, an inalterable fact that caused him excruciating humiliation, he could never return there.
Is it your opinion that men's acts proceed from one central and unchanging and inalterable impulse, or from a variety of impulses?
Everyone who has worked for him knows that sneaking out to catch some sun is a regular, inalterable feature of his daily schedule.
Was he gone also?-thisman of inalterable habits-gonebefore Bela's return-athing he had not been known to do in the last twelve years?
Experience soon teaches us this method of correcting our sentiments, or at least, of correcting our language, where the sentiments are more stubborn and inalterable.