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Значения термина incendiary material на английском
Значения для термина "incendiary material" отсутствуют.
Использование термина incendiary material на английском
As we had no incendiarymaterial, we limited ourselves to burning the thatched roofs of the cottages.
For me, the performances (especially when the actors improvise) and Bouchareb's meditative approach to incendiarymaterial subverts these criticisms.
European Cup team news: There is a pathological fear in professional sport of providing an opposition with incendiarymaterial ahead of a contest.
Earlier on Sunday, Lebanese military said an Israeli drone had dropped incendiarymaterial and sparked a fire in a pine forest by the border.
People often share incendiarymaterial with the intention of mocking or challenging its assertions -but platforms like Facebook regularly shear off contextualising comments.
Chemical warfare includes gas, smoke, and incendiarymaterials, and they can't well be subdivided.