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Значения термина include orders на английском
Значения для термина "include orders" отсутствуют.
Использование термина include orders на английском
The land-living animal forms includeorders similar to those found on Earth.
Directives includeorders, requests, consultations, and offers; commissives include promises, acceptances, and rejections (p.
JPMorgan also said that upcoming actions by regulators could includeorders concerning consumer collections and sales of identity-theft protection products.
The larger modernization effort will encompass training, infrastructure and anti-submarine warfare equipment, and could includeorders from other countries, the sources said.
These includedorders from China, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia and the United States, the company said.
A modern user interface aims to streamline usage of the database includingorders from the Dicty Stock Center (DSC).
Automakers had hoped to begin restarting production in early May but face hurdles includingorders in key states like Michigan that limit non-essential business operations.