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Значения термина indecisive battle на английском
Значения для термина "indecisive battle" отсутствуют.
Использование термина indecisive battle на английском
After fighting an indecisivebattle he retired to his capital Sardis.
He withdrew, and Bolívar followed him, fighting an indecisivebattle.
The poet represented Attila's defeat on the Catalaunian Plain as an honourable but indecisivebattle.
In an indecisivebattle, he wins who can show, and merely show, battalions and squadrons in hand.
Enough nitrogen was thrown away in some indecisivebattle on the Aisne to save India from a famine.
An attack on Damascus led to a terrible but indecisivebattle, Benhadad, King of Syria, proving himself fully a match for the invader.
Mar encountered the royal forces at Sheriffmuir, in Perthsire, Scotland (1715), where an indecisivebattle was fought, which the old ballad thus describes:
After several indecisivebattles between the forces of the rival competitors, Octavius proposed to Antony and Lepidus a reconciliation.
After indecisivebattles sometimes both sides set up trophies; in that case a second battle is likely to settle the question.
It was one of the great indecisivebattles of the world, it being necessary to fight it over again every year.
Both armies, worn out with indecisivebattles, gladly hailed Hector's proposal that a combat between Paris and Menelaus should decide the war.