Значения для термина "independent midwife" отсутствуют.
1 Medical records which found strewn across a Christchurch street came from an independent midwife .
2 Luxury too, to be able to call on an independent midwife to deliver said children at home.
3 Expectant mothers could get direct payments worth hundreds of pounds to buy the services of an independent midwife .
4 Home birth campaigners are to protest outside the Dáil this week over the treatment of independent midwife Philomena Canning.
5 An independent midwife has been censured after mistaking a woman's progress during labour, which resulted in a baby's death.
6 I would have liked to have had checks, but I couldn't afford an independent midwife , so I trusted my instincts.
7 An independent midwife faces possible legal action over failures in the care she provided during a nightmare birth two years ago.
8 An independent midwife with many years experience says they are not properly compensated for the gruelling hours and demanding work they do.
9 She said since the move in New Zealand in 1990 to independent midwife - led maternity care, funding arrangements worked against collaboration with GPs.
10 The DHB took responsibility for collecting the papers, but say they came from an independent midwife , who is not employed by them.
11 Midwives concerned Her independent midwife - who also wanted to remain anonymous - said conditions in the birthing unit were unsafe, and dire.
12 An independent midwife turned down a "midwife of the year" award yesterday because it was sponsored by a formula milk company.
13 His Californian wife, Heather, had opted to give birth at their home in Dundalk, Co Louth, in the care of an independent midwife .
14 Independent midwife Philomena Canning has been reinstated by the Health Service Executive to assist in home births.
15 Independent midwife Philomena Canning has declined to accept her award of midwife of the year because it is sponsored by a formula milk company.
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