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Значения термина inflationary concerns на английском
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Использование термина inflationary concerns на английском
High oil prices have fanned inflationaryconcerns since the start of this year.
He also said the European Central Bank has no monetary policy bias despite inflationaryconcerns.
The broader market was down on inflationaryconcerns.
It added that cooking oil products could continue to face price freeze given the growing unemployment and inflationaryconcerns in China.
Brazil spooked emerging markets on Tuesday, with more inflationaryconcerns, reporting the biggest surge of consumer prices in nearly six years in January.
Today the Economic and Social Research Institute warns that reacting to inflationaryconcerns by taking actions that further fuel growth would not be advisable.
Philippine benchmark index skidded 1.6 percent as higher U.S. yields are expected to aggravate the country's growing inflationaryconcerns.
Turkey's lira, India's rupee and Indonesia's rupiah all shed more than 0.5% against the dollar as the jump in oil prices stoked inflationaryconcerns.
Inflationaryconcerns also pressured U.S. Treasury debt prices.