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Substance that does not transmit certain forms of energy, such as heat (thermal insulator), sound (acoustic insulator) or electricity (electrical insulator)
Использование термина insulation material на английском
Dow makes Styrofoam, a key insulationmaterial used in home and commercial construction.
Roofing tiles and insulationmaterial was scattered over neighbouring properties.
Corrugated iron roofing, loft insulationmaterial, soggy wood and an endless black, unidentifiable mulch, still smoking.
To be fair, I should mention that my father worked for a company that manufactured and installed insulationmaterial.
Savings come primarily from the use of a new lightweight laminated windshield, lighter insulationmaterial, and aerodynamically optimized forged aluminum wheels.
The Styrofoam forms remain in place after the concrete sets, as a dual-layer insulationmaterial that is covered by interior and exterior wall coverings.
The insulationmaterial is usually directly attached to a solid wall of a building and is covered with a cement render to provide protection.
The Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP), regarded as the most promising high-performance thermal insulationmaterial, still has application limitations because of its high cost.
Main products include insulationmaterials and insulation methods, exterior finishing materials, disaster prevention-related products and others.
Torn clothes are recycled and used again as things like insulationmaterials, and soiled garments end up in landfill or incinerated.
How to improve the high-temperature dielectric properties of insulationmaterials is one of the key issues in insulation system design of electrical devices.
Irish building and insulationmaterials firm Kingspan KSP.I jumped 8.9% after its chief executive said the company saw significant pent-up demand post-lockdown.
Irish building and insulationmaterials firm Kingspan jumped 5.5% after its chief executive said the company saw significant pent up demand post-lockdown.