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The lady raised her pale eyebrows with an expression of interrogative scorn.
Is the interrogative form of the last sentence better than the declarative?
By a figurative, paradoxical, or interrogative form, the title may pique curiosity.
Immediately Isaac relaxed and turned to face forward, eyes just slightly interrogative.
Использование термина interrogative sentence на английском
If an interrogativesentence ends with a quotation, the point of interrogation stands outside the inverted commas.
If an interrogativesentence ends with a quotation which is itself interrogatory, the point of interrogation is placed outside the inverted commas.
The note of interrogation is used at the end of an interrogativesentence; as, "Who adorned the heavens with such exquisite beauty?"
The sentences given for analysis will furnish material for making interrogativesentences, and for justifying the agreement of verbs.
+Interrogation Point+.-Everydirect interrogativesentence or clause should be followed by an interrogation point.
We call the first a +Declarative sentence+, the second an + Interrogativesentence+, the third an +Imperative sentence+, and the fourth an +Exclamatory sentence+.