Beyond these as political ideals were the tenets and theories of JeffersonianDemocracy.
Jeffersoniandemocracy, therefore, seems now to be nothing more than a meaningless form of expression.
What is the difference between JeffersonianDemocracy and Calhoun principles, as compared to the Monroe Doctrine?
None of your shallow, polite clashing of modern theories,-notalk of your JeffersonianDemocracy, your high-bredFederalism!
I want to get Afghanistan and Pakistan right, Obama said, but I don't want to build a Jeffersoniandemocracy.
We are not out there deciding we are going to turn this into a Jeffersoniandemocracy and build that country.
If only Obama seized the moment, the Middle East today would be defined by Jeffersoniandemocracy and region-wide respect for human rights.
JeffersonianDemocracy rather than Federalism would become the creed of these transplanted New Englanders, if Ohio were a fair example of future Western Commonwealths.