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Значения термина joint management на английском
Значения для термина "joint management" отсутствуют.
Использование термина joint management на английском
Second, a greater amount of genetic information may be preserved by jointmanagement.
The Kaiserswerth authorities regard this jointmanagement as an indispensable condition.
Nor will they be subject to jointmanagement with the UK.
Self governence or self-rule could then be introduced with jointmanagement by Pakistanis, Indians and Kashmiris.
He has proposed demilitarisation of the region, self governance and jointmanagement by Pakistanis, Indians and Kashmiris.
Similarly, around half of those surveyed on both sides said jointmanagement by India and Pakistan was unacceptable.
The Herald under this jointmanagement presented its readers with from eight to ten columns of reading-matter daily.
The report also called for Australia to support the jointmanagement of the area with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.
The Corrections department have a jointmanagement plan with the Ministry of Health to manage TB outbreaks in prisons.
The idea of a unified German network company has been scuppered by the sales, but jointmanagement in some areas is still possible.
Erdogan said he had agreed to a proposal by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to establish " jointmanagement" of the two carriers.
A jointmanagement committee with representatives of government departments and the children's commissioner will direct working groups led by "high-ranking" government officials.
Jointmanagement would appear to suit Liverpool, judging from yesterday's result at The Dell.
Since 1991, no council has transferred rights or powers to Māori and only two councils have voluntarily entered into JointManagement Agreements.