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That guy who sells cars looks at you like you're a juicysteak he wants to gobble up.
Even the food she'd tried had not satisfied her, and she'd thought she craved a nice and juicysteak.
She also stood watching, and when the juicysteak was revealed, her own eyes brightened as well as Tiger's.
When she did come down she found Dick hard at work cutting out a juicysteak from the bear's flank.
Over a glass of (illusory) rubicund wine and (spectral) juicysteak, he poses the main dilemma of the movie.
Thousands of miles away, in Nairobi or Bogota, the middle classes are more likely to reach for roasted goat or a juicysteak.
Try the gluten-free seabass, with white bean purée, sautéed spinach, peas and brown shrimp butter sauce or one of their juicysteak dishes.
Vinnie Browne approached his celebrity guest on last night's show, focusing on the Dublin South byelection, like a hungry man approaching a juicysteak.