Abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market.
1 Polanyi's great insight is that laissez - faire capitalism goes hand in hand with an interventionist, bureaucratic state.
2 For example, during the Golden Age of laissez - faire capitalism , recessions were often preceded by bank failures.
3 Union leaders and reformers increasingly questioned the unrestrained laissez - faire capitalism that had allowed this to happen.
4 Strict laissez - faire capitalism created extraordinary wealth in late 19th- and early 20th-century America.
5 Ayn Rand's gospel of unadulterated laissez - faire capitalism seems to be gaining popularity among a new generation of followers.
6 The bipolar booms and busts of laissez - faire capitalism became the much more manageable phenomenon of the business cycle.
7 Hong Kong's seven million people continue to operate under the laissez - faire capitalism that flourished during its time as a British colony.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for laissez-faire capitalism