Piece in standard shogi; moves any number of squares straight forward; promotes to a promoted lance.
An implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish.
Examples for "spear "
Examples for "spear "
1 Weapons: the klevang; the parang; the spear ; the sumpitan; carried by women
2 In short, I come away empty-handed.' And he let go the spear .
3 Hurry up; and let us take a spear ; it may be useful.
4 The fellow raised his great spear in answer and waved them off.
5 The turban and the spear became the banner of the Spanish Omayyads.
1 Over the mountains in the east came the first shaft of day.
2 This was the farthest point from the shaft in the entire mine.
3 Used four times at the base of the shaft near the tower.
4 She almost didn't see it in time- a vertical shaft yawning directly ahead.
5 A minute later, ballast men slide into view in the secondary shaft .
1 Q&A Do you use companies or services that employ gig economy workers?
2 He missed this particular gig for the second year in a row.
3 All the new gig announcements we've heard about this week so far.
4 Hearing really good reports about Imelda May's gig at Tripod last night.
5 He has given up his gig jobs delivering food and painting houses.
1 It would not do for local folk to think that Robina Chase was a fizgig !
1 They haunt the Inlets and Water near the Ocean; and are killed with the Harpoon, and Fishgig .
2 Their weapons are chiefly lances, swords and slings, and some bows and arrows: they have also wooden fishgigs for striking fish.
A surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions.
1 In another minute he was standing in the bow, lance in hand.
2 There was no problem getting the free - lance Negro bankers out of business.
3 The lance - blade glittered in my eyes; its point was at my breast.
4 Bran saw the spearhead spin as the lance left the rider's hand.
5 In the dread stillness out came the lance , and Robbie was bled.
6 Red Wolf lowered his lance and stuck his pistol in his belt.
7 With an improvised lance Ahan also speared three salmon in the rapids.
8 She placed her lance in rest as the foremost Turk came up.
9 But by a stroke of good fortune, Borenson's lance was still intact.
10 Wait until he is in the air, and then thrust your lance .
11 He shook his lance at the men over the gate, and cried:
12 Some went to retrieve his lance , others to bring him his horse.
13 Or the point of my lance with the flight of an eagle.
14 And once a lancer met his target, his lance would be destroyed.
15 The Russian with the lance puts himself in a position of defense.
16 Robbie had appeared to be conscious before the operation of the lance .
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