There are also largeelements which have never accepted the unconditional surrender and which never will.
And the government is so desperate for jobs that it has given away largeelements of control.
There may be largeelements of self-delusion about all of this, but at least we are trying.
This one, uniquely, has largeelements of both: supply and demand have both been turned off by government edict.
Grass here, as elsewhere, is very little talked about, although it is one of the largeelements that make the profits of agriculture.
Central and Southern America thus came to be peopled by a hybrid race, speaking Spanish, largeelements of which were conscious of their own inferiority.
Of the foreign-born population 36,720 were German, the other largeelements in their order of importance being Polish, Canadian, Irish, the British (other than Irish).