Named person or animal that appears in legends that have some claim to be historical.
Examples for "legend "
Examples for "legend "
1 Belfast City Airport will be renamed after football legend George Best today.
2 A legend , perhaps, would give them some small hope for their future.
3 Whoever she'd been in reality, she'd long ago crossed over into legend .
4 According to legend , seeing his shadow means six more weeks of winter.
5 So what exactly does a NBA legend know about business consulting services?
1 However, that answer isn't expected to bring the saga to an end.
2 But many others felt the new year holiday saga had been overblown.
3 The court decision yesterday represents a major development in the Bula saga .
4 Our Europe Correspondent Naomi O'Leary has the latest in this ongoing saga .
5 Of course, he managed to keep it linked with the Molefe saga .
1 Her name had come up more than once as a legendary figure .
2 Miss Marple This legendary figure appeared in 12 of Agatha Christie's crime novels.
3 Chris Hani is a legendary figure in the fight against apartheid.
4 Lianping knew who Dayu was-hewas a legendary figure in ancient Chinese history.
5 The retired BBC commentator Sir Peter O'Sullevan is a legendary figure within racing.
1 Count de Gubernatis, at Florence, on the legendary character of sundry Hindu marvels.
2 Some, which are fortunately preserved near the beginning, bear on their face their legendary character .
3 He told stories, for instance, about a legendary character that he called "The Gwid."
4 His statements regarding Father Ivan; miracles by the latter; proofs of their legendary character ; Pobedonostzeff's testimony on the subject.
5 Here is a thing happening within a few weeks and within sixty miles, and already the events assume a legendary character .
1 Stafva was a legendary person in whom nobody believed.
2 King Arthur was a legendary person , and his story is sung alike by the bards of Wales and the minstrels of France.
3 How will the demi-gods in your Pantheon- Imeanthose legendary persons you call saints-intercedefor you after this?
1 Asked what it was like to perform alongside Jagger and Sutherland, she told Reuters: It's like these two legendary humans .
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for legendary human