Значения для термина "little bracket" отсутствуют.
1 O'Neil felt for the little bracket - lamp on the wall of his stateroom and lit it.
2 Upon the top of the desk beside the little bracket - lamp was a short row of books.
3 On the wall beneath it was a little bracket , supporting a little glass vessel which held a rose.
4 The chimney swift or swallow uses wood and glue in making the pretty little bracket - like basket he fastens to the chimney wall.
5 The little bracket light, with its stained glass shade, burned like a crimson splotch against the wall on the right of the tabernacle.
6 Here is your little bracket all done, but I shall bring you a better present from New York, a set of wedding pearls.
7 Hugh's portrait stood upon an easel, with living ivy growing around it from the little bracket which he had made that last day of summer.
8 It was still an hour yet before what men called dawn--littlebrackets put around life to give it meaning and a mean understanding.
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