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Значения термина little missive на английском
Значения для термина "little missive" отсутствуют.
Использование термина little missive на английском
The Marchese's face changed visibly as the littlemissive was put into his hands.
Esperance read the littlemissive bearing the Styvens's arms and handed it back to the Duchess.
Grace handed over the much-criticized littlemissive.
A few days after this rather bitter disillusion, an apprentice brought Christophe the following laconic littlemissive:-
Hugh tore up the pink, smelly littlemissive, and dropped the fragments into the grate of the hotel bedroom.
O'Connor shoved a letter into Kennedy's hand, a dainty perfumed and monogrammed littlemissive addressed in a feminine hand.
O'Connor shoved a letter into Kennedy's hand, a dainty perfumed and monogramed littlemissive addressed in a feminine hand.
When Lizzie Heartwell, attended by the kind captain, descended below deck, she remembered the littlemissive, and drawing it from its hiding-place, read:
We get hundreds of these daintily perfumed and monogramed littlemissives in the course of a year.
"Then I'll have Socrat send a littlemissive to Garlach."
"Should any letters arrive," he says in a littlemissive from Philadelphia, "addressed to the care of J.T.F.
"I don't think I'll let you have this tiny littlemissive, unless you will first promise to tell me who is the writer."