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Значения термина little paymaster на английском
Значения для термина "little paymaster" отсутствуют.
Использование термина little paymaster на английском
I haven't lingered, sputtered the littlepaymaster, whose face was rapidly assuming an apoplectic hue.
This tub was the littlepaymaster's pride and delight, for in a measure it was his own invention.
The startled Indians regarded the white men with wonder, and the littlepaymaster gazed at Donald with mute indignation.
If he escaped at all, it must be in company with the littlepaymaster who had proved himself so loyal.
With a contemptuous glance at them, the littlepaymaster stepped carefully ashore, and addressing the commander of the post, who advanced to meet him, said:-
"That white blanket I borrowed from Miss Pontiac," continued the littlepaymaster, "and the moccasins I got from her brother.