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Использование термина loudspeaker system на английском
And all today the general loudspeakersystem has been relaying these verbal exchanges.
For his lectures, Sheridan uses a hand microphone linked with the loudspeakersystem.
An hour later the general loudspeakersystem announced that Push-Button Officer X-117 had died in the night.
The marriage ceremony, being the first one on Level 7, was broadcast over the general loudspeakersystem.
Since June 11 the general loudspeakersystem has been relaying whatever messages have seemed of most general interest.
A loudspeakersystem attached to the telephone lets a reassuring voice talk to them as they await help.
Like X-117, AE-307m was given a short obituary over the general loudspeakersystem.
The general loudspeakersystem has just announced that Level 7's three chief administrators have decided to hold a referendum.
These details were announced on the general loudspeakersystem first thing this morning, and have been repeated several times since.
Today a sensational announcement, addressed to all the crew of Level 7, was repeated several times over the general loudspeakersystem.
As he reached the far end of the station, a magnified voice oozed into the air over the antiquated loudspeakersystem.
There was first the 'general' loudspeakersystem whose announcements were heard everywhere-in working-rooms, in private rooms, in the lounge, in bathrooms and so on.
Train passengers were warned over loudspeakersystems in carriages and at stations to travel with water and notify staff if they felt unwell.