Значения для термина "lowball offer" отсутствуют.
1 The second source said Flipkart's lowball offer was just a negotiation tactic.
2 Its lowball offer meant that BPE shareholders and bondholders were wiped out.
3 However, Hoffman insisted Fenton promise that Accel wouldn't try to come in with a lowball offer .
4 Able stewed, weighing the numbers like a used car dealer about to risk a lowball offer .
5 Morningstar analyst Mark Hanson said he thought it was a lowball offer even before Freeport's shares fell.
6 The likes of Southeastern Asset Management are right that Michael Dell and Silver Lake Partners have made a lowball offer .
7 Investors may push Yahoo to quietly accept a lowball offer , so Microsoft shares don't take a bigger hit than they already have.
8 The former Airgas director said the company's board saw little reason to negotiate with a rival that was making such a lowball offer .
9 And often you'll be bombarded by lowball offers , many from car wholesalers keen for a bargain.
10 After several lowball offers of as little as 60 per cent of the sum insured, he said he got fed up.
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