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Значения термина making permanent на английском
Значения для термина "making permanent" отсутствуют.
Использование термина making permanent на английском
Don't wrinkle up your forehead like that-you'remakingpermanent lines!
Manufacturing is given special status in the plan, including an expanded credit and makingpermanent a research credit.
Previously, Romney had proposed makingpermanent the Bush-era tax cuts, which have a top 35 percent tax rate.
Those who attempt to cure themselves of dyspepsia by a nut diet are simply makingpermanent their disease.
Communication Minister Abderrachid Boukerzaza told a news conference in April: Algeria is makingpermanent efforts to guarantee press freedom.
Our duty consists in helping him to pass through that stage without makingpermanent habits of these temporary impulses.
Professor Warren Brookbanks talks about why the alcohol and drug treatments court trials have worked and worth makingpermanent.
All knew the hard labor and the privations involved in subduing the wilderness and makingpermanent settlements in a new land.
Asking and answering these kinds of questions alerts the person (and you) that you're makingpermanent space for him or her.
The government wants its stimulus to be temporary and offer an immediate boost to the economy rather than makingpermanent changes to the budget.
U.S. President Barack Obama will propose makingpermanent the business tax credits for research in a bid to generate jobs growth, Administration officials said.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has already warned that makingpermanent the temporary individual tax cuts would further expand the federal deficit and debt.
Camp's draft is likely to include some non-controversial measures, like makingpermanent a tax break for writing down the cost of equipment for certain business.
Makingpermanent decisions based off temporary emotions (read: hormones, lol) will land you in an emotional and expensive mess.
Makingpermanent the research and development tax credit is one of Obama's signature proposals to jump-start the economy, and enjoys bipartisan support.
"Mr. White said something to-day about looking ahead and makingpermanent improvements, but we can't think of doing that now."