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Значения термина man-made greenhouse на английском
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Использование термина man-made greenhouse на английском
They're man-madegreenhouse gases that are released when making many common DWRs.
Trump has expressed doubts that man-madegreenhouse gases stoke warming.
Trump doubts the view of mainstream science that man-madegreenhouse gases are raising global temperatures.
Record levels of man-madegreenhouse gas emissions, mainly from burning fossil fuels, trap ever more heat.
Even if all man-madegreenhouse gas emissions ended today, a high risk of serious climate-related problems still exists, said Allen.
One hopes it will end any debate about the reality of global warming and its cause: man-madegreenhouse gas emissions.
Most scientists expect at least 2 degrees Celsius warming as a result of man-madegreenhouse gas emissions, and probably more.
A U.N. panel says it is at least 90 percent certain that man-madegreenhouse gases are the main cause of warming.
But the Bush Administration has rejected such a system for the United States, the world's biggest emitter of man-madegreenhouse gases.
Even many nations traditionally sceptical that man-madegreenhouse emissions stoke climate change, like OPEC countries, have gone along with the Paris Agreement.
Global warming is blamed by almost all experts on man-madegreenhouse gas emissions for causing more heat waves, downpours and rising sea levels.
On a global scale, the meat industry generates nearly 20% of man-madegreenhouse gases -more than the entire transport sector.
These insects do not produce greenhouse gases like typical agricultural animals, which are responsible for more than 60% of man-madegreenhouse gases.
The El Nino weather pattern has contributed to higher temperatures, but many scientists say elevated levels of man-madegreenhouse gases are pushing temperatures higher.
China, the world's biggest emitter of man-madegreenhouse gases was at the heart of the talks, and demonstrated a growing assertiveness in grinding late-night talks.
Agriculture, forestry and other land use activities accounted for 23% of total net man-madegreenhouse gas emissions during 2007-2016.