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Значения термина mass tort на английском
Значения для термина "mass tort" отсутствуют.
Использование термина mass tort на английском
They said claims will likely be pursued collaboratively as masstort actions.
It's true that some of its key elements have featured in previous masstort deals.
AIG has also been building up "meaningful" cash reserves for potential masstort claims, Lyons said.
Monday's trial, which was to include 17 plaintiffs, had been akin to so-called bellwether trials that are common in masstort cases.
Bintz would probably take a third, throw a few crumbs at F. Clyde Hardin, then quickly move on to the next masstort bonanza.
Claimants now understand that the process is adversarial, according to Byron Stier, a professor of masstort litigation at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.
My firm specializes in class actions for masstorts.
Kohl's bill would multiply discovery disputes in masstorts and would eat up too much of judges' time.
A new masstorts paradigm?
Judges and court clerks had been complaining for years about the voluminous paperwork produced in discovery, particularly in masstorts.
Scientific panels have been set up in previous masstorts but generally not as part of a settlement process, legal experts said.
In 115 of the biggest masstorts over the past 20 years, judges sealed public health and safety information in about half of them.