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Значения термина mechanical contrivance на английском
Значения для термина "mechanical contrivance" отсутствуют.
Использование термина mechanical contrivance на английском
Scenery and mechanicalcontrivance may heighten the effects, but they are not absolute essentials.
They are crammed choke-full with every known mechanicalcontrivance for the production of ear-stunning noises.
Opponents ask for a mechanicalcontrivance that will wind up and go like a clock.
The food has just arrived from a central depot in a mechanicalcontrivance which runs underground.
I found him a man of excellent mechanicalcontrivance, and received considerable pleasure from his communications.
By an ingenious mechanicalcontrivance one man is enabled to raise and lower it with perfect facility.
They evidently did not know whether to regard the watch as a mechanicalcontrivance or a living creature.
A Parliamentary representative is something better than a mechanicalcontrivance for registering the opinions of electors on certain subjects.
When he isn't, you can fancy what!"-"He'sonly a mechanicalcontrivance; he's not a man," said Beppo.
At no time should the stammerer resort to the use of any mechanicalcontrivance to aid him in speaking correctly.
By a clever mechanicalcontrivance the ladder went up and down something on the principle of an automatic shade roller.
They are at best only a mechanicalcontrivance, and do not add anything to the improvement of the diseased condition.
The Manipulator combines, in a single ingenious mechanicalcontrivance, the several movements best adapted for the promotion of healthy functional activity.
I will cause this lady to disappear under your very eyes, without the aid of any mechanicalcontrivance or artificial device.
He stands in the shadow of the mechanicalcontrivance on which he has been illustrating his points; leans for support on it.
One of the first to succeed in inventing something that approached a practical mechanicalcontrivance was Andrew Gordon, a Scotch Benedictine monk.