Outcome expectancies of perceived benefits to others and anticipatory socialization did not moderatetherelationship between norms and alcohol use.
Finally, gender, maternal depression history, and current maternal depressive symptoms did not moderatetherelationship between level of dependent family stress and depressive symptoms.
Only self-care maintenance moderatedtherelationship between depression and physical HRQOL.
Neither METH nor HIV status moderatedtherelationships between negative mood and condom use.
Child IQ moderatedtherelationship between child physical abuse and antisocial behavior in childhood.
As predicted, age at immigration moderatedtherelationship between adult subjective social status and mood dysfunction.
This work examines whether daycare center attendance may moderatetherelationships between a mother authoritarian style and physical aggression.
Background: Research has not yet examined how hot weather moderatestherelationship between the built environment and outdoor physical activity levels.
In addition, the study examined the role of baseline drinking problems in moderatingtherelationship between depressive symptoms and smoking cessation.
Objective: The goal of this study was to determine if HF self-care behaviors moderatetherelationships between physical and depressive symptoms and HRQOL.
Controlling for age, Seattle HF score, functional ability, and comorbidities, self-care maintenance and management moderatedtherelationship between physical HF symptoms and emotional HRQOL.
In 43 neurotypical participants, we found that autistic traits moderatedtherelationship of social reward learning on prosocial behaviour but not reward learning itself.
Aims: To examine whether the work-life interface (through work-family conflict and overall work-life balance) moderatestherelationship between work ability and workplace demands and resources.