Matrix News, the monthlynewsletter edited by John S. Quarterman.
The Jerusalem Institute for Western Defence provides a monthlynewsletter with research of the Arab press.
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In those days, I used to do a monthlynewsletter, but as I was incapable of writing anything coherent.
This organization offers free and low-cost information, distributed through booklets and a monthlynewsletter, about eating and exercise disorders.
Another print experiment: E-Book Systems sent out a monthlynewsletter that looked more like an offline magazine than e-mail.
But the scenario at the beginning of the second quarter remains fragile and uncertain, Confindustria said in its monthlynewsletter.
The novelist revealed in her monthlynewsletter on her website that she has been laid low with depression over Christmas.
This monthlynewsletter provides an overview of the most important features on "critical trends and developments in information tech-nology."
In May, the names were revealed in a monthlynewsletter sent by the body established to investigate their allegations and compensate survivors.
If you'd like to get regular updates on NewsWise resources, activities and events, register your interest and sign up for our monthlynewsletter.
And if you need book recommendations, sign up for Read Like The Wind, the free monthlynewsletter from New York literary critic Molly Young.
Join now to receive our monthlynewsletter with exclusive competitions and restaurant offers, plus reviews, the latest food and drink news, recipes and lots more.
Reading the Buddy monthlynewsletters, seeing the month's progress summarised and seeing firsthand the impact of Buddy via case stories.
In the other group, researchers made visits and calls and sent monthlynewsletters encouraging parents to replace violent TV with educational programming.