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Значения термина more exactness на английском
Значения для термина "more exactness" отсутствуют.
Использование термина more exactness на английском
Father Brown began to ask himself with moreexactness what the steps suggested.
Lady Monk was older, and was able to regulate her feelings with moreexactness.
Where they have died you might say with moreexactness!
Then the whole work was recalculated from the beginning, with moreexactness, and assuming a smaller mean distance.
Something which demeans with moreexactness.
He now wishes Mr. Brien Moon would evince moreexactness in holding inquests, and less anxiety for the fees.
Athanasius Kircher, in his account of China, says that none of the ancients have described the kingdoms of the remote East with moreexactness.
The celebrity of VIRGIL has proved the means of ascertaining his birth with moreexactness than is common in the biographical memoirs of ancient writers.