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Значения термина national monitoring на английском
Значения для термина "national monitoring" отсутствуют.
Использование термина national monitoring на английском
This study provides baseline information for establishing nationalmonitoring programs in Indonesia.
So far, however, nationalmonitoring of pesticides in crops is absent.
Also, there could be an independent, nationalmonitoring system for complications.
Methods employed for regional and nationalmonitoring of diabetes have been too inaccurate or too expensive.
The results were reported back to the pig industry as part of the nationalmonitoring investigations.
In Australia, as opposed to the US, all police shootings are subject to nationalmonitoring by law.
This requires an effective nationalmonitoring and toxicovigilance system supported and financed by government across the borders of the German federal states.
A panel of the BfR Committee for the Assessment of Poisonings has already developed proposals for a nationalmonitoring scheme of poisoning incidents.
The short IPAQ form "last 7 d recall" is recommended for nationalmonitoring and the long form for research requiring more detailed assessment.
The failure to transmit real-time, actionable data to key individuals such as clinicians, patients, and nationalmonitoring and evaluation teams may negatively impact patient care.
NationalMonitoring of Poisonings) and control practice protecting the public.
The NationalMonitoring Study of Student Achievement assessed children in Years 4 and 8 in 2016.
Results from the NationalMonitoring Project show 37 % of students in their last year of primary school dislike science.
This declaration has some activities that are dual-use, Mr Hussam Mohammed Amin, head of the Iraqi NationalMonitoring Directorate told a news conference.
The latest NationalMonitoring Study of Student Achievement is out, having tested four thousand students at two areas of English - listening and viewing.
The NationalMonitoring Study of Student Achievement said the figure for children in Year 8 was the worst of any subject in the curriculum.