The lack of agricultural background in the newCFTC commissioners may also present some obstacles for the Senate.
A proposed newCFTC rule for swaps imposes stringent requirements on block trades, which does not exist for futures.
In December, a federal judge upheld a newCFTC rule governing certain mutual funds, but that ruling is currently on appeal.
Separately, the Senate Agriculture Committee on Tuesday will vote on the candidacy on a newCFTC chairman, and two new commissioners.
Soon after Gensler left, other U.S. banks seized on the gap in the newCFTC policy, according to lawyers and investors.
A proposed newCFTC rule for swaps trading imposes stringent requirements on block trades for swaps, which does not exist for futures.
CME is challenging the requirement that exchanges make available non-public reports of cleared swap transactions to newCFTC-registered entities called swap data repositories, or SDRs.