Portuguese and Frenchmen followed, and year after year visited the Newfoundlandfisheries.
From this time forth, the Newfoundlandfishery was never abandoned.
In the Newfoundlandfishery they are taken out previous to incipient putrefaction, washed from their slime and salted for exportation.
The cruise being over, we returned to Bermuda with the fleet, and after taking in stores, left for the Newfoundlandfisheries.
A pecuniary remuneration was out of the question; but in lieu of it government must sacrifice Canada, Nova Scotia, and the Newfoundlandfishery.
The serious controversy between the United States and Great Britain concerning the Newfoundlandfisheries, is still fresh in the memory of our readers.
The Newfoundlandfishery had begun to assume considerable importance, it being considered especially useful as a nursery to furnish seamen for the Royal Navy.
While he was urging the Americans to claim a share in the Newfoundlandfishery, he was instigating the British government to refuse the concession!