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His little shop in the Jamaliyah Quarter is a perfect gem of Nilotic queerness.
These were gradually pushed southward and westward by the intrusion of the Nilotic Negroes.
To Syene have we been and all the Nilotic towns.
Upon this feature, so characteristic of the Nilotic race, I would lay great stress.
That business about a revived Nilotic empire, pyramids on the Potomac, was a smoke screen.
I was kissed by crocodiles; and laid, confounded with all unutterable slimy things, amongst reeds and Nilotic mud.
According to white scientists our language is Nilotic-fromthe area of the Nile. He took some water himself.
This day, and for three days past, Fielding had been abed in his cabin with a touch of Nilotic fever.
Their dialect is closely allied to those of the Alur, Lango and ja-Luo tribes, all four being practically pure Nilotic.
He goes so far as to pronounce the latter to be Cretan importations, their fabric and forms being unlike anything Nilotic.
These civilizations of the old world, among which the Mesopotamian and the Nilotic were the earliest, were built on no unsound foundations.
Tirliakah entered Upper Egypt, and having established himself at Thebes, threatened to extend his authority once more over the whole of the Nilotic valley.
Many of these tribes are not negro at all-the Somalis, the Nandi, and the Masai, for example-while others belong to the negroid and Nilotic races.
It might therefore be urged that the whole Neolithic population was "Mediterranean" by its skull-form and body-structure, and specifically "Nilotic" (indigenous Egyptian) in its culture-type.
"But would you place the Nilotic family in the Ethiopian race?" inquired the Syrian in a voice commanding from its deep sweetness.
His little shop in the Jamaliyah Quarter is a perfect gem of Nilotic queerness.