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Значения термина noted upon на английском
Значения для термина "noted upon" отсутствуют.
Использование термина noted upon на английском
Absence of less than 24 hours will not be notedupon the muster roll.
He notedupon his body one day a tiny ulcer.
Moreover, she wore just such a headdress as I have notedupon those statues.'
Our every move was carefully notedupon our maps which we now kept in duplicate.
He might not have correctly interpreted the expressions he had notedupon the faces of the Arabs.
A certain mental haziness which he had notedupon awakening had in some way obscured the facts.
Gorham paused abruptly and looked at his wife with the same strange expression which she occasionally notedupon his face.
With a horrible retch of envy she notedupon Cowperwood's face a smile the like and import of which she well knew.
A further upregulation was notedupon 24 h in vitro culture, suggesting occupation of membrane receptors and receptor down-regulation by endogenously produced TNF-alpha.
In four cases of trauma (injury), a rise of 20 to 40 was notedupon pressure upon a nerve.