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Использование термина object-oriented programming на английском
Perl has a somewhat dicey object-orientedprogramming mechanism grafted on top of it.
And with the advent of object-orientedprogramming, Web pages can evolve into something smarter.
Cocoa is based on the Objective-C object-orientedprogramming language.
Using the tenets of basic object-orientedprogramming, Villareal applies a simple set of rules to each light.
Information technology-based subjects include structured and object-orientedprogramming, database and network management, Internet development, operating systems and systems analysis and design.
I knew that object-orientedprogramming (OOP) was "a big deal," but I was too close to the process to really appreciate what I was doing.
Object Oriented Programming Anyone even peripherally involved with computers agrees that object- oriented programming (OOP) is the wave of the future.