Значения для термина "official stationery" отсутствуют.
1 A week later, Margarita received a stamped and franked reply on official stationery .
2 It was a sheet of official stationery and read as follows:-
3 He gestured to his flag lieutenant, who immediately handed him a folded sheet of official stationery .
4 Bornstein did not respond to an email sent to the email address given on his official stationery .
5 Theodora Clay's eyes skimmed the lines, noted the official stationery , and read enough to satisfy her curiosity.
6 Then taking a few sheets of official stationery and a pen from the drawer of his table he began to write.
7 And while there were many private letters, most of the envelopes appeared to be on one or another type of official stationery .
8 But I didn't think they were crooked and nervy enough to sell me a lake-thatsenator writing letters on his official stationery .
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