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Использование термина offshore patrol на английском
The offshorepatrol vessel HMNZS Wellington is also involved in Exercise Tropic Major.
The navy will get nine new anti-submarine warfare frigates and 12 offshorepatrol vessels.
For the first time, a navy warship and an offshorepatrol vessel will both be commanded by women.
The navy's offshorepatrol vessel, HMNZS Wellington, was in the area to monitor whether fishing boats were complying with international laws.
Quite a lot if you are Minister for Defence and you have just decided to purchase a third new Naval Service offshorepatrol vessel.
An advertisement seeking proposals for an offshorepatrol vessel is due to appear shortly in the EU journal, the Department of Defence has confirmed.
However, the state has already been promised a huge share of $40 billion of work on building new frigates and offshorepatrol boats.
The government has already announced plans for construction of new offshorepatrol vessels, Pacific patrol boats and future frigates in South Australia and Western Australia.
Quite a lot if you are Minister for Defence and you have just decided to purchase a third new Naval Service offshorepatrol vessel.T(...)
Three OffshorePatrol Vessels are under construction, with two more being ordered.
The OffshorePatrol Vessel HMNZS Wellington confronted three vessels said to be fishing illegally for toothfish, or Chilean Sea Bass.