Значения для термина "old councilor" отсутствуют.
1 Nathaniel smiled as he thought of his suspicions of the old councilor .
2 Deiphobus drifted by, arm in arm with the old councilor Clytius.
3 This was the family burying ground of the old councilor .
4 He heard the chuckling laugh of the old councilor - and then an incoherent raving that set his blood tingling.
5 There was but one thing for him to do and that was to return to the old councilor .
6 He pointed, looking from her, and she, knowing what he meant, sped past him to the old councilor .
7 Could he trust the old councilor ?
8 The old councilor kept his word!
9 If Captain Plum had been watching him he would have seen that soft mysterious light again shining in the old councilor 's eyes.
10 The young woman tossed her head and her white teeth gleamed in a laugh, as though she had overheard the old councilor 's words.
11 Priam had fallen back, gathering his old councilors around him, shrinking away.
12 Later the old councilors and the commanders would confer about the mistakes made, the weak points in the Trojan defense, and how to correct them.
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