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Использование термина online systems на английском
Proponents simply did not understand just how vulnerable onlinesystems were to hacking.
Accessing information through a gateway is often simpler than logging on to several onlinesystems.
They're a built-in failsafe, they override all onlinesystems.
Challenges remain with integrating physical store assets to onlinesystems, cutting delivery costs and dealing with fierce competition.
Improved the onlinesystems for applying for and renewing business licenses in the territory, dramatically improving the processing and approval time.
They are available from more than 500,000 onlinesystems ("host computers") all over the world.
USA Today has been something of an online newspaper pioneer, selling its stories to bulletin-board and onlinesystems across the country for several years.
Photo: 123RF London-based Travelex shut down all onlinesystems on 31 December when a virus was discovered and isolated.
Allied Irish Bank has confirmed that some of its business users have not been able to access its onlinesystems for more than 24 hours.
He says MindVox is a great "ready-made" community that will mesh well with a new conferencing system his company is developing, called Evolution OnlineSystems.
Under the restructuring, Belle injected its 100 percent interest in Premium Leisure Amusements and 34.5 percent of Pacific OnlineSystems into Sinophil.
1stReader from Sparkware (Post Office Box 386, Hendersonville, Tennessee 37077, U.S.A.) is my personal favorite for accessing Qmail based onlinesystems.