Значения для термина "only delegate" отсутствуют.
1 He thought of the only delegate from the state that he knew.
2 Mr Samuels said Mr Weeber was the only delegate to challenge his invitation to speak.
3 Colonel Washington, the only delegate in uniform, was the most impressive figure in the Congress.
4 The sovereign States could only delegate the exercise of their sovereign powers, not the sovereign powers themselves.
5 At the World's Masonic Convention, in 1867, at Paris, he was the only delegate from the United States who spoke at the banquet.
6 Those who died here on the station were the only delegates still carrying implants.
7 This is a meeting at which all members can attend but only delegates can vote.
8 They are only delegates of police, and over them is this Minister of the Interior.
9 But he said only delegates participated in the debate and denied the Trump campaign played any role in softening the Ukraine language.
10 The States made no gifts to the Federal Government for the sake of giving, but only delegated certain powers for specific purposes.
11 The government is not his master, but his agent, as the principal only delegates , not surrenders, his rights and powers to the agent.
12 But this power is only delegated by the will of the majority, for let any author in America oppose that will, and he is denounced.
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