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Tabular View of the Number of the Vertebræ in certain Cetacea.
I have placed Cetacea after Carnivora, and Edentata at the end.
A whale is a marine mammal of the order Cetacea.
Systemic viral disease has not previously been documented in Cetacea.
The latter is convoluted and constricted into a series of chambers that differ in different groups of Cetacea.
Использование термина order Cetacea на английском
A whale is a marine mammal of the orderCetacea.
The orderCetacea consists of three families, baleen whales, sperm whales, dolphins, and it's in this last group that narwhales are placed.
From this I finally concluded that it belonged to the branch Vertebrata, class Mammalia, subclass Monodelphia, group Pisciforma, orderCetacea, family .