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My mission is to take back the north and organiseelections, he said.
Camara has since promised to organiseelections which the international community have long demanded.
Political wrangling It has taken more than four years for the transitional government to organiseelections.
In return, it wants the Malian government to move quickly to reunite the country and organiseelections.
This structure, which is independent, is empowered to prepare and organiseelections, he said in an interview on France 24.
He is being allowed to stand in the presidential poll under a peace deal to reunite the country and organiseelections.
Britain had a treaty obligation to organiseelections to the European Parliament if it were still a member in May, the lawyers.
Some opposition leaders dismissed Rajoelina's talk of neutrality and said it would be impossible to organiseelections before installing a legitimate, consensus government.
The European Union discussed proposals today to help stabilise Iraq and organiseelections there despite lingering differences among member states over the US-led war.
Under that constitution, the head of the National Assembly should take office if the president resigns, with a mandate to organiseelections within 90 days.
Under Burkina Faso's 1991 constitution, the head of parliament should take office if the president resigns, with a mandate to organiseelections within 90 days.
As well as organisingelections, the junta has said it will launch investigations into corruption under the previous regime.
Guinea's military rulers have been criticised for their coup and are under pressure to restore civilian rule by organisingelections.
It said at least four members of the previous transitional authority, including the interior minister charged with organisingelections, remained unchanged.
CRIMES In an emotional interview on state TV on Friday, Ghannouchi said he intended to retire from politics after organisingelections.
His deputy General Sekouba Konate took over and won tentative international support by forming a transitional government charged with organisingelections.