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Значения термина oribatid на английском
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Использование термина oribatid на английском
Certain families of oribatid mites also insist that they got rid of men aeons ago.
The ability of soil-living oribatid mites to disperse fungal propagules on their bodies was investigated.
In all trees calculated by different algorithms the Astigmata clustered within the oribatid mites, as proposed earlier.
We investigated the effect of resource availability on the community structure of oribatid mites in a laboratory experiment.
Diversity of oribatid mites was little affected by forest type indicating that they harbor similar numbers of niches.
The results indicate that for sustaining oribatid mite populations other resources than litter and associated saprotrophic microorganisms are needed.
Seven new species of oribatid mites of the genus Galumna are described from litter and soil materials of Sumatra, Indonesia.
The cosmopolitan parthenogenetic oribatid mite Oppiella nova has a broad ecological phenotype and is omnipresent in a variety of habitats.
In contrast to our hypotheses, both sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mite species responded similarly with their densities declining uniformly during incubation.
We expected the density of oribatid mites to decline in the reduced litter quality treatment but to increase in the glucose treatment.
In contrast, no mycorrhizal fungi were detected in association with oribatid mites, indicating that their propagules are dispersed in a different way.
In addition, fungi that are known to be a preferred food for oribatid mites such as the Dematiacea were not detected in high numbers.
Density of oribatid mites was highest in the coniferous forests and decreased in the order 30 years old, 70 years old, and natural beech forests.
Oribatid mites are abundant microarthropods in forest soil and important decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems.
Community structure of oribatids and numbers of eggs per female were measured over a period of ten months.
Certain families of oribatid mites also insist that they got rid of men aeons ago.