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Значения термина original invention на английском
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Использование термина original invention на английском
The legends on the tickets gave no sort of originalinvention.
They thus almost wholly missed the period of originalinvention.
Such men were afraid to supplement tradition with originalinvention.
It was no new truth, no originalinvention, but merely a simpler combination of old ideas.
The highest praise of genius is originalinvention.
His claim to originalinvention has been disputed.
It is an ingenious ploy, comparable in its effectiveness and simplicity to Alexander Graham Bell's originalinvention.
A good example is the history of Thomas Edison's phonograph, the most originalinvention of the greatest inventor of modern times.
He will find in all the epics no trace of originalinvention, but always a studied and conscientious following of authority.
It is quite common to misapprehend the nature and extent of an improvement without a thorough knowledge of an originalinvention.
Successive improvements made in the Montgolfiers' originalinvention permitted bold physicists ere long to risk themselves in a vessel attached to the air-machine.
It is true, he soon lost all his money in a law-suit which had to do with the originalinvention of the press.
Some of the ideas, like the patent of Alfred Silvester, a lecturer at the Polytechnic, were designed as improvements to the originalinvention.
Apart from all these and by itself stands a princely fisher whose bill is no modification, but an originalinvention and a marvellous one.
The new Walter Press is not, like Applegath and Cowper's, and Hoe's, the improvement of an existing arrangement, but an almost entirely originalinvention.
The Hindu theatre affords examples of the drama of domestic, as well as of heroic life; of originalinvention as well as of legendary tradition.