Senator to recover it, but there being no notes of hand or, othermemoranda to support the claim, it failed.
But I had not done with it yet; and othermemoranda were destined to be set down in characters of tint indelible.
Pulling it out, Miss Metoaca found that the book was one used by Nancy to keep the marketing accounts and othermemoranda.
It is a great help to have someone at hand who can remember a business conversation, where to find documents, addresses, and othermemoranda.
It was begun by James Lemen, Sr., whose diary, containing his "Yorktown Notes" and othermemoranda, is perhaps its most interesting survival.
"It is written in the same hand as all the othermemoranda relating to the political prisoners of that year."
Othermemoranda refer to various letters from Philippine officials, dated during the years 1583-86, which seem to have been consulted in reference to the "Memorial."]