To hang his head was to proclaim his ownlittleness.
I could only feel ashamed of myself, and of my ownlittleness of mind and morals.
The bleak splendors of these remote and lonely forests rather overwhelmed him with the sense of his ownlittleness.
And now at last I was placed in a position whereby I could feel and reflect upon my ownlittleness.
The yard looked deserted and desolated, giving him a sudden realisation of his ownlittleness and the immensity of the hour.
Here, we are like two mere specks; and the feeling of our ownlittleness always brings us into the presence of God.
Then, as if the fair prospect rendered him conscious of his ownlittleness and the insignificance of his woes, he fell thoughtful.
This gangway, wide and vacant, and yet relatively narrow, conspired with everything about it to enhance Redwood's sense of his ownlittleness.
Says Manuel, smiling sadly: I am not so wonderful but that in the hour of my triumph I am frightened by my ownlittleness.
The sense of her ownlittleness aroused her to a power of comprehension of the grandeur of the mass of which she was a part.
On which occasions his additional conciliatory sarcasms, accompanied with smiles denoting the enjoyment of his victory, never failed to make me feel my ownlittleness.
"How could we endure this grandeur, or our ownlittleness?"
"To pick holes in a man of that quality only seems to accentuate one's ownlittleness."